Badly bent legs, the inability to walk without support - all these seem to be signs of old age, but in fact they can be caused by disease. Knowing about this disease can help everyone, because timely treatment prolongs the youth of the joints. Gonarthrosis of the knee joint has another name - deforming arthrosis or joint osteoarthritis.

The disease belongs to the group of degenerative-dystrophic diseases. Under the influence of pathogenic factors, changes develop in the tissues of the joint, and with this pathology, not only the cartilage of the knee joint is damaged, but also the bones, ligaments, joint capsule and muscles that ensure its work.
This disease is one of the most common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Due to changes in the tissue structure, hyaline cartilages lose their elasticity, firmness and gradually collapse. This leads to an increase in the impact on bone tissues, the appearance of so-called osteophytes on them. These are "thorns", which are bony growths in the joint. If arthrosis of the knee joint is not treated, the cartilage tissue can gradually disappear completely, the bones will be deformed, and the function and performance of the joint will be lost.
Causes of knee gonarthrosis

This disease is classified as idiopathic, that is, the causes of osteoarthritis of the knee joint have not yet been precisely clarified. There are two main types of gonarthrosis: primary and secondary.
Primary or idiopathic gonarthrosis of the knee joint occurs due to metabolic and circulatory disorders in the lower extremities. This form of the disease mainly affects the elderly, especially women, and overweight people. The reason for the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage tissue can be excessive joint loading, disruption of normal blood circulation and multiple tissue microtraumas. Hormonal and endocrine disorders can also lead to this.
Secondary or traumatic gonarthrosis occurs as a result of mechanical damage to the joint. This leads to:
- knee injuries - damage to the ligaments, meniscus of the knee joint, fractures and cracks in bones with hemarthrosis;
- various inflammatory diseases - rheumatism, arthritis;
- non-inflammatory joint lesions - chondrosis, arthrosis of various etiologies;
- untimely and incomplete treatment of knee joint disease;
- traumas and injuries in the past.
Symptoms of the disease
Symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee joint develop gradually. At the beginning of the disease, pain occurs during physical exertion, with overload or after a long walk, then other symptoms join and a detailed clinical picture of the disease appears.

- pain in the knee joint when moving;
- joint swelling;
- limitation of movement in the joint;
- stiffness of the knee joint;
- instability when leaning on the painful leg;
- visible deformation of the bones of the joint.
Stages of gonarthrosis
In the clinical picture, there are several stages that reflect the severity of the disease:
- Phase 1 - mild limitation of movement in the joint, increased fatigue of the extremities, pain is mild, occurs at the beginning of movement or after physical exertion, pain and stiffness of the joint disappear at rest. The bones keep their shape, there are no deformations. The X-ray shows a slight narrowing of the joint space.
- Stage 2 - there is a pronounced limitation of movement, the pain when walking becomes constant, it is especially aggravated by physical exertion, prolonged standing. There is pronounced creaking in the joint during movement, lameness, bones are deformed, ligaments and muscles are weakened. On the X-ray, the joint space is narrowed by 3 times compared to the norm, osteophytes grow on the bones, fluid may appear in the joint cavity.
- Stage 3 - the pain becomes constant, does not disappear after rest and at rest. Movement is severely limited, blood circulation in the joint may be impaired. On the X-ray, the joint space is practically absent, the bones are sharply deformed, strong growths of bone tissue can be observed.
Diagnosis and treatment of gonarthrosis
Diagnosis of the disease includes an examination of the patient and an X-ray examination of the affected limb.
Treatment of the disease should be started as soon as possible. A detailed examination and consultation of an experienced specialist is necessary, because this disease has non-specific symptoms and can easily be confused with other lesions of the joint system.
The main principles of treatment, which are aimed at therapeutic effects:
- eliminate pain in the knee joint;
- improve blood circulation and accelerate cartilage tissue regeneration;
- reduce the pressure between the bones of the joint;
- restore limb mobility;
- strengthen muscles and ligaments.
Methods of treatment of gonarthrosis
Treatment of gonarthrosis is carried out with drugs and with the help of physiotherapy exercises, folk remedies and manual therapy.

- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They are traditionally used in the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases. It relieves pain well, reduces swelling and inflammation. But the use of these drugs gives only temporary relief and does not cure the disease itself. In addition, they have many contraindications and side effects.
- Chondroprotectors are the most etiological treatment, they help to regenerate cartilage tissue and eliminate the cause of the disease. Their use is effective in the early stages of the disease. Achieving results requires long-term use of chondroprotectors.
- Local medicines - various ointments and creams - have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
- Intra-articular injections are used to provide emergency care. The most commonly used drugs are corticosteroid hormones. They quickly and effectively suppress pain and inflammation inside the joint, but, like NSAIDs, they only have a symptomatic effect.
- Manual therapy and physiotherapy - in stages 1 and 2 of the disease can provide a significant therapeutic effect.
- Diet. Gonarthrosis of the knee joint is called "salt deposit" disease. Therefore, with this disease, you must follow a diet that excludes foods that contribute to the formation of salt. It is necessary to limit the intake of edible salt to 1 g per day, meat, canned food, sweet, fatty, flour.
- Walking support – using crutches or a cane can significantly reduce the stress on the knee joint and help speed recovery.
- Therapeutic gymnastics is the main method of rehabilitation after treatment of gonarthrosis. Only special exercises will help restore lost mobility, strengthen muscles and ligaments and improve blood circulation. It is impossible to restore limb functions without specially designed exercises.
- Surgical treatment - in the absence of the effect of therapeutic methods, in the 3rd stage of the disease, with severe deformity of the joint, surgery is necessary. It is usually joint arthroplasty. This operation allows you to restore limb mobility, but it has many contraindications and limitations. It is also quite expensive financially.
A complete cure of this disease is almost impossible. To achieve a stable remission of the disease, you must follow all the doctor's recommendations, try to move more, do special exercises, take chondroprotectors and drugs that improve blood circulation, and also follow a diet.